Maker Space

Well, if you’ve been paying any attention here you’ve noticed I’ve been absent.  It’s true, my priorities have shifted over the past couple of months and I’ve been working on an endeavor with a bit of a different focus.  I was so excited to get my studio set up and to have access to more tools (my dad has many more than I do and is willing to share with me) but then I just couldn’t find my momentum.  I lacked accountability, structure and missed being around other people that are also making creative work.

Due to that stall in my productivity and feeling frustrated with my lack of a creative community, I latched onto an idea that I believe would help me and other people in Denton like me that prefer to work around other people.


I found a business partner with the same vision and we have been working hard developing plans to start Maker Space.  Makerspaces are popping up all over the world and provide space, tools, resources, education and a network of support for people to make whatever it is that they make.  It’s taking a lot of time and energy which doesn’t leave me a whole lot left for my own design work, but it’s an idea that I’m passionate about and really want to bring to fruition.

It doesn’t mean that I won’t sill be making and designing, it just means it’s taking a bit of a back seat.  I will still be here sharing successes and struggles in my work as well as the progress of Maker Space.  And one day, I’ll have a studio with tools and a community of creative and innovative people who will inspire me and push my work to a higher quality, simply by being there doing what they do.

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